Long Coat White German Shepherds: A Perfect Temperament

White German Shepherd


The White German Shepherd is known for its plush white coat, athletic body, and high intelligence. This unique dog is bred from German Shepherds and carries many of the same characteristics, yet it also carries the recessive white-furred coat gene.

So, as long as you don’t mind a bit of extra time spent on grooming, you’ll still get a loving and loyal white German Shepherd as your trusty companion.

Read on below to learn more about this particular dog breed and whether they could be the right pup for you.

History of the White German Shepherd

Records of white German shepherds return to Captain Max von Stephanitz’s breeding of German shepherds. Grief, a white shepherd, was one of the dogs he often used to perfect his idea of the best working dog, according to the White German Shepherd Annual, submitted by Aimee Harder. In 1899, Stephanitz attended the Karlsruhe Exhibition and bought Hektor Linkrsheim, the grandson of Grief. He soon changed the dog’s name to Horand von Grafrath.

Since Grief was white and Horand was related to him, Horand carried the white gene. Horand went on to sire white puppies and colored pups with the white recessive gene.According to history, On April 22, 1899, the Verein fur Deutsche Shaferhund (the SV) was founded. Max von Stephanitz was the first president. Horand was the first entry in the new SV stud book and one of the foundation dogs of the German Shepherd breed.

About the Breed

The White German Shepherd is a separate breed of shepherd dog recognized by the United Kennel Club. They are medium to large dogs that can grow to 25 inches and weigh approximately 40 pounds.

White German Shepherds are super bright and very energetic dogs. They love mental and physical stimulation, which is a natural reaction to their origins as working dogs.

White German Shepherds in the United States

This discriminatory thinking led to the German Shepherd Dog Club of America’s move in 1968 to pressure the American Kennel Club to disqualify all-white German Shepherds from participating in AKC conformation shows. The AKC agreed, disqualifying white German Shepherds from confirmation events. Dogs could still be registered with the AKC and displayed at events such as obedience, tracking, herding, etc. Avid white German Shepherd breeders formed an association to protect the white shepherds in the US, and the White German Shepherd Dog Club International, Inc. was born.

White German Shepherds in Canada

Following the American decision, in 1980, the German Shepherd Dog Club of Canada requested that the Canadian Kennel Club disqualify white dogs from conformation shows. However, the Canadian Kennel Club refused to do this, and for years, white German Shepherds were shown in conformation rings. In 1998, however, the Canadian Kennel Club banned white German Shepherds altogether from conformation shows.

In both America and Canada, white-coated shepherds were initially highly valued, even as they were dismissed as being of a color that was unacceptable as part of the breed standard. Over time, breeders began to breed for the white coat, but they never used dogs other than German Shepherds since arriving in North America.

What does a White German Shepherd look like?

The White German Shepherd is a large dog with a muscular body that hints at its strength.

Aside from this all-white version and the all-black German Shepherd, most GSDs share the same facial features as tan-and-black German Shepherds. They have black noses, medium, almond-shaped, brown eyes with black eye rims and lips. They also have large, upright, triangular ears.

Of course, this unique German Shepherd has a pure white or cream-colored coat. This coat is weather-resistant and double-layered.

Does this dog bark a lot?

German Shepherds are pretty vocal, so don’t expect a quiet household with these dogs around.

They tend to moan, whine, and groan in response to various factors in their surroundings. Many White GSDs also like to howl, a habit you can curb through consistent training while it’s a puppy.

Little-Known Facts About the White German Shepherd

1. A white German Shepherd is not an albino German Shepherd.

It is a common misconception that white German Shepherds have albinism. However, this is not the case. Like black German Shepherds, their coloring results from carrying two recessive genes.

Animals that are albinos have deficient pigmentation, which results in pale skin, pink eyes, and colorless hair. The white German Shepherd has either pink or black skin, a black nose, and normal brown—or gold-colored eyes.

2. Both black and white German Shepherds result from recessive coat color genes, but the white gene affects the dogs’ color differently.

Unlike the recessive black coat-colored gene, which gives the black German Shepherd a true black color, the recessive white-colored gene isn’t a true white gene but masks the true color of the dog’s coat, leaving it pure white.

3. The white German Shepherd does not have any additional health issues.

Contrary to popular belief, white German Shepherds do not have any additional health issues. They are usually just as healthy as any other German Shepherd and are susceptible to the same health issues as any other German Shepherd.

White German Shepherd Care and Grooming

Caring for a white German Shepherd is the same as caring for any other form of this breed. The main difference is that since their fur is white or cream, it might be easier to spot bits of dirt, inspiring you to comb and groom them more often.

One thing to know about white German Shepherds is that they shed a lot. Unless you have an abundance of white furniture, then you can expect to see white fur on pretty much everything you own. Please expect to be vacuuming several times a week, especially in the warmer months when the dogs start to get rid of their winter coat.

White German Shepherd

To avoid any excess difficulty, it’s important to remember to brush your dog’s hair daily. Make sure not to bathe your dog too often; doing so will discourage the body from producing natural oils, as with humans. Bathing and washing too usually can reduce the health of the skin.

What is the difference between the White Swiss and white German Shepherd?

White German Shepherds or American White Shepherds are the ancestors of White Swiss Shepherds. The well-initiated know that the AKC German Shepherd breed standards don’t allow white-colored GSDs. Considered a breed fault, lovers of the look of white German Shepherd Dogs created a new distinct breed category, and these pups are now known as American White Shepherds. Still genetically identical to standard German Shepherds, American White Shepherds are selectively bred for their white coats. White Swiss Shepherds are the Swiss cousins of the American White Shepherd, developed in Switzerland since the 1970s using imported American White Shepherds. Today’s White Swiss Shepherds look a little different than American White Shepherds, but they are essentially the same breed of dog developed by different breeding programs. Here’s a quick side-by-side look at a White Swiss Shepherd vs white German Shepherd:

Temperament & Intelligence of the American White Shepherd

American White Shepherds are loyal to the core and always look out for their owners and families. They have well-balanced temperaments, which has earned them employment as guard dogs, herding dogs, search and rescue canines, guide dogs, and family pets.

White German Shepherd

They are cheerful, devoted, tranquil, and not aggressive by nature, but they can be overly protective without the proper training. American White Shepherds tend to be wary of strangers and react instantly if they think their owners are in danger.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

White Shepherds get along well with children and tolerate them when they play too rough. However, they should always supervise their playtime since They are large and heavy and can accidentally injure tiny kids. They can adapt to various social situations and events and make excellent traveling companions if they’re well-trained and socialized.

White Shepherds become attached to their owners and dislike being alone for long periods. They are playful and highly interested in expressing their fun-loving side by playing fetch, flyball, running, and other activities as long as they do it with their family.

White Shepherds are pack animals and need to see you as their pack leader because you don’t want them to assume the role. Therefore, you must be authoritative, gentle, considerate, and consistent to raise your pup into a well-adjusted family pet.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

White Shepherds get along with other dogs and cats if they’re trained and socialized at a young age. They’re usually calmer than German Shepherds and learn to accept other pets as friends. Therefore, they have milder dispositions that fit well into multi-pet households, mainly if they grow up with other pets. However, they can be aggressive toward other same-sex dogs.

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