Manor Lords lack of Entertainment
Manor Lords lack of Entertainment

In Manor Lords, players take on the role of a feudal lord responsible for transforming a tiny village into a wealthy medieval city. Part of the job description is to keep your people happy by providing them with basic requirements, a sense of security, and recreational possibilities. Constructing larger communities in Manor Lords may result in a lower approval rating.

This is primarily due to a lack of entertainment in your Manor Lords settlement. Unfortunately, the game does not explicitly state this, nor does it provide adequate remedies. So, if you’re feeling stuck here, stay reading to learn how to cure the current lack of entertainment in Manor Lords.

What is a Manor Lord? 

It’s a city-builder, the latest in a long line of games dating back to 1989’s SimCity, with more recent examples including 2015’s Cities: Skylines. These games include developing and controlling a settlement from above, planning road networks, designing dwellings for people to live in, organizing public services, and generally attempting to keep your populace alive and happy. What is a Manor Lord? It’s a city-builder,

the latest in a long line of games dating back to 1989’s SimCity, with more recent examples including 2015’s Cities: Skylines. These games involve developing and managing a settlement from an above perspective, designing road networks, creating housing for people to dwell in, organizing public services, and overall trying to keep your citizens alive and happy.

Nonetheless, Manor Lords places a greater focus on survival. It illustrates the difficulty of surviving in a pre-industrial civilization. The seasons are crucial to the game, much as they are in real rural medieval towns. Your folks can survive for a time by hunting deer and foraging for berries,

but these supplies are limited and will become scarce as winter arrives. For a community to grow fully, you must use the land to your advantage, plowing fields, spreading seeds, and harvesting crops at the appropriate times of year to ensure you have enough supplies to last the lean months. Simply getting the fundamentals right is an organizational problem. If you fail to prepare ahead, your villagers will starve and freeze before the end of the year.

The Lack of Entertainment

Prompt arises when your Tavern does not have enough Ale to match the Level 3 Burgage Plot’s amenity requirements. As a result, this weakness lowers approval ratings, limiting your capacity to grow and expand your colony effectively. The fundamental source of the Lack of Entertainment problem is a low supply of Ale at the Tavern. Ale is an essential commodity that keeps your citizens satisfied and engaged, assuring their productivity.

Fixing the lack of entertainment in Manor Lords

To keep your peasants entertained, make sure you have enough Ale in your Tavern. You can accomplish this by following these two easy steps. Ensure that your fields are always yielding Barley, which may be processed in a Malthouse to produce Ale. You can strive to establish Barley fields on land with good Barley Fertility to maximize production while also implementing crop rotation effectively.

Manor Lords lack of Entertainment

Produce more Barley and malt to make Ale. Make sure your plots are hardly expanding. Check where the barley fertility is highest, then plant some Burgage Plots, enclose farms, and build a farm home nearby. Then, set your farms to cultivate Barley. Naturally, the larger your settlement, the more Barley you’ll need to maintain a consistent supply.

Next, remember that you’ll need a Malthouse to convert that Barley into malt.

(Pro Tip: Make sure you have enough Barley to last through the winter). That brings us to the next point: ale production. You will need to convert (at least) one Burgage of Level 2 or above into an Artisan who specializes in Ale manufacture.

Only after that production chain has been established will your Tavern supply begin to develop, and your villagers gain access to the all-important Ale. Take note that this production chain will involve several of your family, and because farms are seasonal, it will take some time to get started. It brings us nicely to the alternative option: import. 

Dealing With Entertainment

When Glass_Nose952 raises concerns about the entertainment penalty in Manor Lords lack of entertainment, the community comes together to help. The suggestions vary from introducing alcohol to participating in baron fights. Piet371, another user, jokes, “You need some booze for the folk.” Schw33 sheds information on the mechanics, adding,

“The only entertainment in the game currently is beer drinking.” While Zealousideal_Law5216 considers challenging the baron to shake things up, McWeaksauce91 jokingly highlights the necessity of beer availability, shouting, “Once you introduce people to beer, you can’t expect them to be happy when its position of your soil deteriorates, you have a few options.

The developer should balance the farm production. Perhaps supply somewhat more per yield or make fertility more forgiving. Farming in Manor Lords currently feels unfulfilling, even at a low difficulty. Hence, it would be ideal if the developer could tune the farming. 

What Are the Differences Between Oxen and Horses in Manor Lords?

As you begin your trip through Manor Lords, you will find that you will receive one ox at the start. To complete construction you must purchased at least one ox is required bought at a later time.. When comparing the two, this is what they do.

Can be utilized to haul timber around when constructing buildings. Once you have the Heavy Plow development, you can use them to plow fields in Farmhouses. They can be allocated to:

  • Sawpit
  • Logging Camp
  • Farmhouse
  • Horses
  • Oxen

Can transport products for trade with other regions. They will significantly enhance the speed at which your traders will move, allowing you to receive money faster. This is especially handy if you want to trade frequently or are in severe need of certain materials. 

Management and Construction 

You can easily forget this, but holding Tab will bring up numbers for almost everything in Manor Lords.
So, home occupation, construction completion, worker assignment, and so forth. It’s a simple method to get an overview of everything in your town. You need to make changes or figure out why something isn’t working.

How To Get Wooden Parts

To create wooden parts, you’ll need a Joiner’s Workshop, which is a Backyard Extension for your Burgage Plots. When you select a Burgage Plot of at least Level 2, you will be given the option of adding a Backyard Extension. Select Joiner’s Workshop (you’ll need 4 Planks to do so), and the entire plot will become a Workshop, with the individuals within becoming Artisans. It’s worth noting that once a plot becomes a workshop,

it can’t be changed. Only by dismantling the house can you repurpose the plot. Once you’ve set up a Joiner’s Workshop, your Planks can be transformed into Small Shields, Large Shields, and Wooden Parts. Two planks (produced from timber in the sawpit) are required to make one unit of wooden parts.

By Admin

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