Ohio Business Entity Search

Ohio Business Entity Search
Ohio Business Entity Search

There are several steps to starting a business, and the first is making sure your business name is available before filing documents with the state. The Ohio business entity search database is the best place to research business names for existing and dissolved entities filed with the state. The Ohio Secretary of State makes this database available online, so you can easily search business names to see if yours is available.

Here’s how to start your Ohio business entity search, plus some handy tips for starting a
business in Ohio.

Starting a Business in Ohio

Ohio Business Entity Search

Once you’ve researched and settled on your business name, you need to decide what type of business entity you wish to register. Each type of business entity has different tax and legal considerations, so it’s smart to discuss your options with your attorney and tax advisor.
As a general rule of thumb, small, single-person businesses such as freelancers, service providers, and small e-commerce sellers can start with a sole proprietorship. However, LLCs and corporations provide more legal protections and can be worth the time to set
up in Ohio.

Business Name Availability

If no records are found for your search criteria, it could mean that the business name is
indeed available for registration. Ultimately, though, it’s up to the state to determine
whether or not the name will be approved and accepted for business registration.

The Ohio Secretary of State approves business names and keeps a registry of all businesses
in the state. Additionally, state law requires all new business names to be “distinguishable
upon the records in the office of the Secretary of State.”

Therefore, your new business name cannot be similar to others previously registered in the
state. In other words, they cannot conflict with prior registered business names.

Additionally, your name needs to be significantly different from all types of business
structures, including Ohio corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and
limited liability partnerships.

You may also choose to reserve an organization name in the State of Ohio by completing the
court asleep Name Reservation Form and submitting it to the Secretary of State. A filing fee
of $25 is applicable when completing online filings, and you need to pay $39 if submitting
the name reservation request via mail.

Search for a Detail Business

  1. If the business name, type, status, or location are known, you can use the detailed search option.
  2. After the search has been initiated, you will see a page listing all the results. Click the
    entity number next to the business name for more information.
  3. Images and document numbers will be displayed along with the files submitted.

Review Results

When we search the registered names, we get a list of all the businesses with the words
“A1 Yard & Lawn.” The name must be distinguishable from the other registered names to
register a corporation or LLC name in Ohio. If you were looking to form an LLC with this
name, you wouldn’t be able to since there is already one registered.

Search by Number

  1. You can refine your search by entering the document I.D. or registration number.
  2. The search results for a single I.D. number will display information such as the current
    date, status, and business type.
  3. A number for the entity will be displayed. Click this link to go to the next page. You can
    view all files associated with the I.D. or number on the details page.

1. Steps to Search by Agent or Contact Name

  1. If you can find the correct name, enter it into the search box.
  2. A list of officials will be displayed in the search results. Click the number in the left column
    to retrieve more information about the entity.
  3. Clicking the entity number will bring up a new page with the entity’s details, which were
    included in the original documents. Click the document I.D. to view additional filings.

2. Steps for Searching by Name Availability

  1. Decide on the firm name.
  2. Once you’ve decided on a name, use the availability tool Information if it is still

Tips for Naming Your Ohio Business Entity Search

Your chosen business name will establish your company’s new identity. Before registering
your firm, consider the following points.

Trademark Search:

Your chosen name may already have an Ohio trademark application. Perform an online Ohio trademark search for your name. You can trademark your business’s name, logo, or slogan.

Social media platforms

(e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) impact online visibility and
presence. Keep your social media identity consistent with your legal name. Check for
existing accounts with your desired business name.

Legal Implications.

When searching for a business entity, consider the legal ramifications of the information found. Understanding a company’s status and history is crucial for legal compliance and successful commercial operations.

Business Planning and Strategy About Ohio Business Entity Search

Utilize the information gathered from your search for strategic planning. Understanding the
competitive landscape in your industry helps inform corporate decisions and strategy.

Domain Name Search

If your business name is still available, register it as a domain name. Choosing a URL that fits your business name is crucial for attracting and retaining clients. To check the availability of your desired URL, utilize a domain registrar like GoDaddy.

What information can be found in the Ohio Business Entity Search Database?

An Ohio business entity search can reveal relevant information about the company. Some of
the highlights are.

Business name

Filing Types:

Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, etc.

Original Filing Date:

When the entity was filed with the Secretary of State.


Active indicates the entity is in good standing, with current reports and filing fees. Other possible outcomes include “Canceled” and “Dead.” Names of inactive results may be
eligible for registration.

Statutory Agent Information:

An Ohio statutory agent, a registered agent in other
jurisdictions, serves as the entity’s primary contact for legal or tax notices. If the owner’s
home address is used, it becomes publicly available. Some individuals prefer to employ a
Registered Agent service, such as Northwest Registered Agent, to protect their home
address from public disclosure.
You can examine images of the Articles of Organization (LLC), Articles of Incorporation
(Corp), Amendments, and other documents.

Benefits of Conducting an Ohio Business Entity Search

Conducting an Ohio business entity search can be beneficial when launching a firm for
various reasons.

  • Avoid registering a business under a name that is too similar to an existing one, which may
    result in legal issues and a lawsuit from the original name owner.
  • Avoid unnecessary costs associated with registering with an existing business name. –
    Secure a domain faster by purchasing a similar domain name to make potential customers
    easily find you online.
  • Save time by not having to try.


How do I conduct a business search for the Ohio Secretary of State?

Learn to look for trademarks in Ohio by visiting the Ohio SOS website and following our

How much does it cost to conduct a business search in Ohio?

Ohio’s Secretary of State (SOS) website offers free company searches.

By Admin

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